Become A Sender of Cards

A unique service for people who want to stay in touch, but are just to busy to buy a card, stuff it and mail it... Thanks to some high-tech technology, that task has just become a few clicks on your computer! This amazing automated system does it all for you, saving you time and money! No more standing in lines to purchase expensive cards, no more writing them out, stuffing, stamping and running to the post office. Send a personalized card in 30 seconds for 1/3 the cost!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Walking the Line between Follow-Up and Harassment

People in the world of home business have tried to mask or cover what they do for a living. For some reason there has been a movement of embarrassment over the fact that they are offering something consumable to the population of the world. To be quite honest I don’t understand this line of thinking.

In the world of sales it doesn’t matter how a business person chooses to describe what they do for a living, i.e. a marketer, a vendor, or in direct sales, it all comes down to one thing; they are in sales. In order to make a living they must move a product or service to the population. I comprehend making a living by selling goods to others because I am in sales (oh NO! I said the dreaded word). I sell greeting cards and I am proud of what I do for I offer something that makes people’s lives richer. Perhaps it is because of my understanding of sales that I get disgusted with a marketer/salesperson that is embarrassed or afraid to call it like it is and also refuses to learn the basics of good marketing.

There is a fine line between follow up and harassment and I become annoyed when someone continually pesters me about buying that one-of-a-kind item or opportunity that I have plainly told them I have no interest in. In fact, there are times I get downright angry. Other times I am happy to receive a sales follow up call. What makes the difference? It has to do with the number one important item on a marketers list of building a solid customer base. The number one decree of successful marketing: Find those that need, want, or desire your product or service.

Here is a quote from Kim Emerson, teacher of the Law of Attraction and professional writer:

What is too much follow up? I believe there is an important key to following up with prospects:

Are we listening to our prospects in the first place? Is it ALL about them? Have we determined that they have a desire for what we are offering? Or do they already have 25 DVD players etc. If you are not making your communication all about THEM, you are wasting your time and making them angry.

If we trying to sell a computer to a hermit in the hills that has no electricity and NO desire or need for a computer we are slamming the door closed to our prosperity. We are trying to give him something that is of no value to him no matter what kind of “deal” we have to offer. Now on the other hand if we are selling a computer to an Internet user, writer, or other person that has a need or want for a new computer and we can give them an incredible price then we are swinging that prosperity door wide open because we are giving more value than the asking price. If it is all about them following up more than twice is not a bad thing; you are just addressing the issue of timing. If it is all about the fact that WE need to sell that computer “no matter what” then following up at all is damaging to all concerned.

My .02 for today.
Turn Your Words into Marketing Magic

Friday, June 16, 2006

A Follow Up System You Can Bank On

According to sales experts, the first important step in building a customer base is to find those that want, need, or desire what you have. The second most important step is to develop a top notch follow-up system.

Once you have a list of prospects and have made that initial contact; it is paramount you keep in touch with them. Yet the time crunch of running a business weighs down on you and the ball gets dropped. You know you need to follow up, but the books have to be balanced, inventory taken, orders placed, and the end of the month report is staring you in the face, not to mention the words “follow-up” fills you with an unexplained fear.

So you turn to technology to simplify and speed up the process of follow-up. You look at that automated phone system that will call every lead you’ve ever talked to. When you listen to the message chills run up your spine and you think “I just don’t feel good about sending a recorded message to my prospects every single week. I don’t know how everyone else feels, but I don’t want to wake up every Tuesday morning to a phone call from a stranger telling me to buy the latest-greatest-anything! That has got to be annoying.”

You throw that idea out and begin toying with a new automated email system. Quickly you realize that people must recognize that it is an automated email because it uses the exact same words for everyone on a list, and how in the world can you get them to open the email in the first place? Like Goldilocks throwing out the cold porridge you toss that idea aside.

What you want is a system that shows your prospects you care about them. What you need is a system that will save you valuable time and money.

That’s when it hits you; you need something someone can open with their hands; something beautiful and friendly like a personalized card sent through the postal mail.

That is what Send Out Cards is all about! It helps build better relationships in every area of your life without breaking the bank. For 98 cents for a greeting card or 49 cents for a postcard (less for wholesale) you can send the message that you really do care about your customers/prospects. And after all isn’t that what good business sense is really all about? Try this follow up system for free at

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Dear Friends,

As business owners we know in order to build our business's we must follow up with clients and prospects, but for some reason those two words can send chills of fear up our spines. I have gathered some opinions on the subject and would like to share them with you.

"The most important thing is to do a FOLLOW UP and that means do more than one. If someone is interested in what you have follow up. They decided they need some time tell them that you will check back in a week, month, etc. Or you could have talked to the person gave them a quote and they said okay. But then if you didn't hear from them in a couple days, FOLLOW UP because you don't know what might have happen. Now what if you suggested someone else for this person because you knew they could help. I would follow up and make sure they person was able to get in touch with the suggested person. You will want to make sure that the person you suggested had followed through. You don't want to be send people to someone that drops the ball even if you had a great experience with them."

Michelle Suman - For All Your Creative & Technical NeedsCreative Memories Consultant:

"We all know that follow-up is the key to success in networking, whether online or off. Why is it we are often afraid to take this vital step? Fear seems to be the root of all failures whether in business or in our personal lives."
Ginger Marks

**For the next week I will be posting some wonderful information on the importance of follow up and ways to make it PAINLESS for you.

Happy Reading!
Sandy Morgan

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